The Jewels of Winter
I grew up in Chula Vista, California, a small town in the extreme southwest corner of the “sunshine” state. In the winter, the afternoon temperature ranged from about 55-70F. Not exactly Antarctica. Sometimes we’d get fog and a little rain. Other than on television, I didn’t see snow until I was 11 years old. For the past four weeks, I’ve been making up for lost time.
Jerry and I are pleased to kick
One in 10,000
As we enter the final hours of a year that has been awfully dark and frustrating, I thought I’d send you one final dose of hope.
Throughout 2020, we’ve tried to share videos that, for a few moments, would focus your heart and mind directly on the things of God. Stories that would whack a path through the jungle of discouragement and uncertainty to reveal the light, peace, and joy that can only come
One Solitary Life
I’ve received hundreds of Christmas gifts during the course of my life. Some of them I particularly remember, including: the “Yogi Berra” catcher’s mitt my dad bought me when I was nine years old (I still have it); the plaster hand prints my four sons made when they were each in kindergarten; and the heirloom Bible my grandmother entrusted to me a couple of years before she went to Heaven.
Those are all wonderful