

By |April 25th, 2021|

God Doesn’t Make Junk

Over the years, a highlight of our work has been the opportunity to explore a hallmark of the animal and plant kingdoms: The spectacular examples of biological engineering that fill the living world.

We’ve photographed and animated a dolphin’s elaborate sonar navigation system…the skeletal and muscular systems that enable a snow goose to fly…the ingenious construction of a hummingbird’s tongue…the design of a dandelion puff that ensures optimal dispersal…and the process by which

By |February 21st, 2021|

God Knows

I remember once asking my dad, “How much does God know?” In that long-ago moment from my childhood, he smiled and said, “I think He knows just about everything.” Decades later, I recall having a similar conversation with one of my sons. In both cases, the issue at hand was a unique attribute of God known as omniscience.

Our newest John 10:10 Project video, GOD KNOWS, explores the Lord’s unfathomable ability to posses perfect and

By |February 7th, 2021|

The Case for a Creator

Over the years we’ve been blessed by many friendships that have led to several wonderful opportunities for ministry. These often-unexpected bonds have opened doors to the production of some of our most impactful films, including the seven John 1010 Project videos we’re releasing this week.

In 1996, I met Steve Meyer of the Discovery Institute. That summer I flew up to Spokane, Washington, where Steve introduced me to the theory of intelligent

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