This Easter will be my 70th. When I was a kid, I remember getting up early to hunt for candy eggs and packages of baseball cards (a unique Allen family tradition). Then I’d get dressed up (it was the only day of the year I’d wear a tie) and walk with my family a few blocks to church. It was always a happy occasion that I looked forward to celebrating.
I suspect the first Easter Sunday
The Worst Moment in History
If I were to rank the least pleasurable times in my life, the past three or four weeks would be near the top of my list. This pandemic has tested my patience and faith in ways I’d never experienced before. Yet, the uncertainty of an invisible adversary, the inconvenience of the lockdown, and the sting of death (a friend from my church died of Covid-19 last week), all pale in comparison
Uplifting Story
Through the years, Jerry and I have researched, photographed, and told the stories of hundreds of marvelous creations that–in their own unique ways–shout out a message to the world in a universal language: YES, THERE IS A GOD … and He demonstrates His reality 24/7/365 through the things He has made!
The power of a humpback whale. A field of poppies in full bloom. The effortless grace of an eagle in flight. The grandeur of