Come Let Us Adore Him
One of the many production resources that Jerry and I have often accessed over the past 30 years is the extraordinary collection of visual material contained in the archives of NASA (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration). It’s a wealth of photographs, film and video footage that document the American space program, including the missions of Mercury, Apollo, the Space Shuttle, and the International Space Station.
As I’ve spent hundreds of hours poring through this virtual library, I’ve been particularly drawn to pictures of Earth that astronauts have taken at night while orbiting more than 200 miles above our planet’s surface. These striking images are often filled with city lights that, at least from my perspective, are beautiful symbols of an important spiritual truth. You see, I like to think of these glowing dots as billions of human beings who Jesus—the light of the world—came to Earth to teach, love and save from the consequences of sin and death.
During this season of heightened reflection on God’s greatest gift, Jerry and I have produced a new John 10:10 Project video that will help you focus your thoughts on the miracle and impact of Christ’s birth. I encourage you to take five minutes to pause and worship the “King of angels” and Lord of all creation. In the words of the beloved Christmas carol, COME LET US ADORE HIM.
For the entire Illustra Media team, have a blessed and joyous Christmas season. Our thankfulness for your friendship and support has never been greater.