Merry Christmas from the Moon

Merry Christmas from the Moon On Christmas Eve 1968, three American astronauts became the first human beings to orbit the moon. It was one of the greatest achievements in history. Four months earlier—while embroiled with the Soviet Union in a heated race to the moon—NASA made an aggressive and potentially

Call of the Cosmos

The greatness and glory of God shine forth marvelously in all his works and is to be read in the open book of the heavens.       ~ Galileo Galilei Call of the Cosmos Many years ago, when our four sons were young, Joni and I bought them

Heavenly Fire

Heavenly Fire I love making films about beautiful things in the natural world. Visually stunning creations that take your breath away.   During the past 36 years I’ve had more than my fair share of opportunities. The images are seared into my memory:  a sunrise over the Grand Tetons on

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