Big Universe. Bigger God.
In 2004 we finished a film that was (and still is) very near and dear to our hearts. It was called THE PRIVILEGED PLANET. In it, we explored some of the many reasons why Earth occupies a special place in the universe.
For complex life to exist, dozens of factors have to be in place including: an oxygen-rich atmosphere, an abundance of liquid water, a protective magnetic field, an axial tilt that allows
Dylan Winter and the Starling Murmurations
I’ve been making films professionally since 1974. On the whole, the entire experience has been fulfilling, challenging and a ton of fun (except for three days in Cairo, 18 years ago, when our equipment was confiscated by Egyptian airport customs).
One of the many things I’ve enjoyed about filmmaking is its unpredictability. Whenever you start a new production (no matter how much you prepare) you never know exactly what you’ll encounter.
In 1998, Jerry Harned, Tim Eaton and I had an opportunity to work with a man who had experienced a “no-doubt-about-it” miracle. The kind of incident that gives you chills just to hear about it (more on that in a minute).
We were producing a documentary on the power of prayer. During pre-production, I was looking for stories of men and women who had been touched by God in response to