Help Reach The world
There are three ways you can help us reach the world with the videos on this website.
First, share THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT with everyone you know. Social media is a powerful tool. We’ll supply you with new videos every month so you can forward them easily to family, friends and anyone else in your personal network. You’ll be a vital part of our distribution team.
Second, pray for THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT ministry. Ask the Lord to touch hearts and minds with these films and to raise up thousands of people who will share them via the internet.
Third, donate to THE JOHN 10:10 PROJECT so we can produce new films and continue to make all of our videos available at no cost to anyone with access to the Internet. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization so all donations are tax-deductible.
Thanks for your interest and support. This is truly a cooperative venture. We’re thrilled to present our films at no charge – but we need your help to distribute them to the largest possible audience.
Please contact us if you have any questions or ideas. We’d love to hear from you.